Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fruits of the Spirit in a new light.

Yesterday on my way to work I was praying and I began asking God to help me live out the Fruits of the Spirit. It really changed my day and I wanted to share it with you. It went a little something like this;
God, please help me to:
you first and others before myself,

choose JOY no matter what happens,

keep PEACE in my attitude and actions,

be PATIENT with everyone and everything, even when it's extra hard,
treat others with KINDNESS first,
be GOOD with my thoughts and actions,

be FAITHFUL to YOU, my husband, friends, parents and siblings,

let my words be GENTLE toward everyone,
and help me have the SELF-CONTROL I need to make the right choices that please YOU.

The Fruits of the Spirit are such great and practical ways to bring us closer to Jesus! I want them to be more evident in my life everyday!

Happy Saturday!
Love you!

Just for fun, here is a picture of my family on Christmas day :). We took many pictures with all of our cameras, so this is just one of the funny ones for those of you who don't have facebook :). I LOVE this picture! :)

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