Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lesson's from Bud #1

Ok, I'm gonna warn's a little long!

Yes, it's true...after 5 different Starbucks in 4 different states, I am saying goodbye.

I have LOVED working at Starbucks. I love the people, the fast pace, the coffee :), Howard Shultz, the multi-tasking, the fact that i was able to transfer so many times, and the people!

Have I mentioned the people? I am so incredibly thankful for the people, both partners and customers, that I have been able to meet and spend time with. Each Starbucks has been SO different, but SO great in their own ways. We have had customers that know us so well that they bring us cookies, Christmas and Birthday cards and even sit and have coffee with us when they are coming through on our break.

One of my favorite people, is Bud. I think that I have said things about him before , but I don't remember just act like this is the first time :). Bud is 75 years old and it has only been 1 year and 2 months since he lost his wife to cancer. He comes to Starbucks every morning for hours, just sitting and drinking his coffee. Most of the time his friend Dave joins him. WE all know him and even celebrated his birthday with him, most of the customers walk in to say hello to us AND Bud. :)

Today, Kevin and I stopped by the store and there sat Bud. I sat down next to him and he gave me a hug and made a comment about how I had eye make-up on and no hat! haha and told me his daughter was making him go to Florida so he wouldn't be here in a week. He wanted to make sure that if I came to the store he would be there.

Starbucks is his family (and the people at Kings, where he goes for lunch...everyday!). Tears are beginning to come to my eyes as I think about him. I want so badly for him to know Jesus. Yes, we have talked about it...way more than once. He is just so lonely, the only thing I can do now is pray. Pray that the things I have said, he will remember and that there is someone else God is putting in his life to start where I left off.

That's the thing...God put people in our lives for a reason and we have THAT time to be Jesus to them. We never know how long that time may be. When those people leave our lives, it can be REALLY hard, REALLY hard. But PRAYER is such a POWERFUL weapon and if we pray, lives WILL be changed. I can't put myself down for the fact that Bud does not YET believe, I can PRAY...and I will. LOTS. Not only for him, but for all the others I know that don't YET know God and when I spend time with them...I will love them and be Jesus as best as I can.

If you've stuck with me the whole time to read this...thank you :) There is more I have learned from Bud, that will come soon!

love you!
Happy Thursday!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fruits of the Spirit in a new light.

Yesterday on my way to work I was praying and I began asking God to help me live out the Fruits of the Spirit. It really changed my day and I wanted to share it with you. It went a little something like this;
God, please help me to:
you first and others before myself,

choose JOY no matter what happens,

keep PEACE in my attitude and actions,

be PATIENT with everyone and everything, even when it's extra hard,
treat others with KINDNESS first,
be GOOD with my thoughts and actions,

be FAITHFUL to YOU, my husband, friends, parents and siblings,

let my words be GENTLE toward everyone,
and help me have the SELF-CONTROL I need to make the right choices that please YOU.

The Fruits of the Spirit are such great and practical ways to bring us closer to Jesus! I want them to be more evident in my life everyday!

Happy Saturday!
Love you!

Just for fun, here is a picture of my family on Christmas day :). We took many pictures with all of our cameras, so this is just one of the funny ones for those of you who don't have facebook :). I LOVE this picture! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009


I don't know how he does it, but my husband always finds really cool things online. One of the things he found recently is . It's a website with a bunch of people, some famous, just telling their testimonies and how Jesus Christ become 1st in their lives. It's super cool and you should check it out when you get the chance! It's always great to hear the amazing stories of how Jesus changed peoples lives!

Love You!
Happy 2009!!!